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The non-commercial film is alive! The fascination for moving pictures drives us to film extraordinary stories with smartphones or camcorders. The short movies can be seen in the social media and at our festivals. Simply small cinema for our soul!
Here are the dates and souvenirs
cinemakers.ch encourages the exchange of 500 mainly retired leisure film makers. They choose extraordinary topics. In a mutual exchange, short films are produced covering topics such as documentary, motion pictures or art-house films.
Around 1935, Swiss amateur filmmakers founded the «Swiss association of film amateurs» (now swiss.movie and sifa). Various festivals and the international association UNICA (1937) emerged from this international exchange.
Visit our FAQ-Site.
Visit our Video-review.
The early years of the Nyon Film Festival
Swiss Clubs
Souvenir 2024
Trailer UNICA-Filmfestival 2025 in Birmingham (UK)
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education partner
Logo cineducation.ch
contact: e-sheet
content: editor & impress
design: bildsprache.ch