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swiss.movie is the umbrella organisation for German-, French- and Italian speaking film authors of Switzerland who produce non-commercial films. swiss.movie is a member of UNICA, an independent international organization that promotes video and filmmaking as a means of international communication and submits this to UNESCO. The annual UNICA festival is a flagship event including a film festival, workshops and socializing.

The trailer of the Ticino festival.

swiss.movie regions

Organisation and service

To fulfil the linguistic and geographical requirements of Switzerland, the association is divided into 4 regions.

Due to its size, German-speaking Switzerland is divided into two regions. French-speaking Switzerland and Ticino each form a region of their own. Each region appoints a member to the central board as a coordinator. This is our way to achieve cohesion, team spirit and common interests.

Statutes and festival regulations (german/french).

The board

(from right to left)
Sydney Peter Allanson
(Region 2)
UNICA delegate
Fred Graber
(Region 1)
Jury President
Pia Kalatchoff
(Region 4)
Web project
Filippo Lubiato
Charles Friedrich Landolt
(Region 3)
swiss.movie Board 2018


contact form or website

Logo swiss.movie
Logo sifa
education partner
Logo cineducation.ch
contact: e-sheet
content: editor & impress
design: bildsprache.ch